The essence of testing on agile projects

‘Capturing the essence’, or ‘core’, has been a key theme in some of my work recently, and in several of the books I’ve been reading. So over a drink with Michael Ruschena tonight a couple of these came out as we linked ‘the core’, ‘agile’, and haiku – poetry that captures the essence. I’ve been coaching a team around testing on agile project, so I thought it might be fun to try to capture the essence of that…

I thus present agile testing haiku.

Note: I’m just going to keep adding new ones to this post so that they’re all in the one spot. And increasingly I’m finding these are not just about agile development, but software development generally.

Method it is not
Apply values, principles
To meet your own needs

Planning game is key
How do we know when we’re done?
Check the product goals.

Can’t make it all fit?
You’ll need to take something out
or get more money.

If the date is fixed
You cannot slide quality
You just take things out

This user story
Does not express your intent.
Why, why, why, why, why?

Push the risk up front
Shorten the feedback cycles
Highest value first

Development, test
Are all part of the same team.
Try working closely.
Leaving aside that this is something of a motherhood statement, I don’t think things are this simple any more. I’m leaving it here until I can think of what I want to say

Good acceptance tests
Set goals but skip one main thing –

We got a green bar,
Why is the customer sad?
Just add a story.

I didn’t do it.
It wasn’t in the story.
Look, new offshored jobs!

Exploratory tests
Help find problems most quickly
but make extra work.

Skilled software testers
Use many different models
Try many angles

Though up-front tests help
We can get stuck in a rut
Go and have a beer

Embrace fuzziness
Precise is not accurate
Band your estimates

Some we can know now,
but some we must build to learn.
Best tell the owner.

Start with a small team
When the hole size becomes known
let everyone dig

Unit, story tests
Why is our build getting slow?
More techniques will help.

How are we going?
If you can’t tell at a glance
have visible charts

Rough iterations?
Preserving uncertainty
may help things improve

Estimate fully
But to manage greatest risk
Take away two thirds

No estimates, eh?
It’s OK to estimate,
just understand why.

The test strategy…
What information and how,
tied to the vision

Left values or right?
What’s the pairing’s principle?
You’ll need skill at both.

The grind of agile
Sprinting then taking a break
helps you sustain pace

What is knowable?
Predicting or reacting?
Find your middle ground

The requirements.
Stories are only a third.
What about the rest?

Who’s your customer?
You have no ******* idea?
Find out quick or stop.

People should come first
But a flat cost of change curve
Helps a***holes as well

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